7 Deadly Mistakes in Creating An Email Address

Some may wonder why their email messages are not getting replies from the recipients. Most probably, the email has landed in the SPAM/Bulk folder.

One way to lessen the possibility of your email landing straight in the spam folder of the recipient is to avoid these seven deadly mistakes when creating an email address:

  1. Avoid using numbers in your email address at all costs. For instance, [email protected] would appear dubious to the spam filter.
  2. Avoid underscores at all costs. Some people think using an underscore in their email address is cute. Aside from the fact that it creates trouble for people who need to be proficient typists, emails with underscores look bad to the spam filter. Forget your [email protected].
  3. Putting “www” in your email address will anger the spam filter. I’ve seen some people who use “www” in their email addresses. Perhaps they write it this way to sound “dot com” savvy. The email would appear as [email protected].
  4. Avoid putting periods in your email address. Aside from confusing your email recipient, it could send the wrong signal to the spam filter. [email protected] can be misleading.
  5. Using rapid spelling of words in email addresses can be disastrous. Are you the next Flickr? If not, you could stick to Oxford’s spelling guide.
  6. Using fantastic adjectives in your email will not only irk the recipient but may also send the wrong signal to the spam filter. [email protected] is questionable.
  7. Any combination of the above deadly email mistakes is worse than any cited mistakes. [email protected] will never be funny.

Build your identity correctly. Give yourself a decent name. If your name is Sony Lee (example only), why not create a [email protected] email address? Not only is this email easy to identify and remember, but it also gives you a decent legacy in digital history.

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